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Einkorn – and "wheat intolerance"

Einkorn is a cereal that contains gluten – which means that it is definitely not suitable for people who are gluten intolerant (coeliacs). However, some allergy sufferers and people with a gluten sensitivity (so-called "non-coeliac gluten sensitivity", NCGS) report that they can tolerate einkorn very well.

Giving up wheat products and choosing ancient grains instead allows affected people to continue to enjoy traditional baked goods without having to switch to completely gluten-free products. To date, there have been no systematic and reliable scientific studies on why einkorn can apparently be easily digested by some people – while wheat products cause these same people indigestion, allergic reactions and other health problems.

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Moreover, scientists cannot agree whether complaints of "wheat sensitivity" are triggered by gluten (constituents) or other substances such as FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides), ATIs (amylase-trypsin inhibitors) or by FODMAPs ("fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols). Currently it is only possible to speculate which specific substance would scientifically explain a better compatibility of einkorn.

What we know for sure is this: einkorn is genetically very different from common wheat. One can basically deduce from this that, although einkorn is also a cereal belonging to the "Triticum" genus, it is, after all, a food that is "different". This is also indicated by a number of nutritionally valuable components in einkorn, which are found in higher concentrations than in wheat.